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How Should An Engagement Ring Fit?

How Should An Engagement Ring Fit?

How Should An Engagement Ring Fit?

So, your loved one got down on one knee and presented you with an engagement ring. First and foremost, congratulations! But if you’ve never worn an engagement ring (or any ring) before, you may not be sure how it’s supposed to fit. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re definitely not alone. It can be complicated to know how snug or loose an engagement ring is supposed to be. For some people, the ring slips on perfectly and doesn’t require any changes. For others, the size may need to be changed to make it more comfortable.

Regardless of your circumstances, you’re probably here because you have a lot of questions about engagement ring sizes and what constitutes a “good” fit. For example, what can you do to make a ring fit better? Can you make a big ring fit properly? Is it safe to wear a loose ring? Finally, what is the difference between a comfort fit and a standard fit?

In today’s guide, we will answer all of these questions and more, so let’s get started!

How Should A Ring Fit?

Ultimately, a ring should fit so that it’s snug enough to remain in place without much movement, but not so tight that it causes discomfort. However, this may not solve your problems. The reality is that the fit of a ring can vary a lot from one person to the next. Here are some of the most important factors to consider when deciding how your engagement ring should fit:

  • Comfort - Your comfort is one of the most important things to consider, but it also comes down to what you consider to be “comfortable.” Some people may have no issue with a ring that feels a little too tight, while it may be a deal breaker for someone else. Either way, your ring should fit so that you personally feel comfortable.
  • Sizing - Sizing is an important factor because it can help you figure out what size ring would theoretically fit your finger right now. You can measure your ring size in a number of different ways, but it’s important to remember that your ring size today may not be the same as it was 5 years ago or the same as it will be 5 years from now. Therefore, finding a good fit is all about knowing your current ring size.
  • Movement - As previously mentioned, you’ll generally want a good middle ground between a ring that fits snugly and a ring that offers a little wiggle room. It’s important to have a ring that you can comfortably take on and off, but you won’t want it to be so loose that it could fall off your finger.
  • Finger Shape - Your finger shape is surprisingly important when considering how your ring should fit. Some people have larger knuckles, which can make it harder to put your ring on and take it off, even if you opt for a larger size. Alternatively, if you have very thin fingers and small knuckles, you may want something that fits a bit tighter to avoid losing your ring.
  • Ring Style - Finally, ring style can play a part in how it fits. These days, there are hundreds of unique band designs to choose from, some of which may fit differently than others. For example, wider bands tend to feel tighter than narrower bands.

Comfort Fit Vs Standard Fit Rings

While there are many different band designs on the market, the “fit” of a ring band is often put into one of two categories: comfort fit or standard fit. Both of these terms refer to the design of the inner part of the ring that actually comes into direct contact with your finger. Standard fit rings have a flat inner surface that forms a right angle with the edge of the band. This can be perfectly comfortable for many people, but it may not be ideal for people with larger knuckles or anyone who struggles to take off their ring.

Alternatively, a comfort fit ring has a curved, dome-shaped interior, typically with rounded outer edges as well. The slightly concave interior design reduces the amount of ring that is pressed against the skin, potentially offering a more comfortable fit. This ring type will generally feel less constricting than the standard fit, and may be easier to put on and take off, regardless of the shape of your finger.

How To Make A Ring Fit Tighter

If you already have a ring that is too loose, you have a few different options to make it fit tighter:

  • Ring Adjuster - Ring adjusters offer one of the easiest ways to make big rings fit better. These plastic bands can fit into the ring and serve as a thin and malleable cushion between the ring and your finger. This will help the ring have a more snug fit without making any permanent changes to the ring itself.
  • Sizing Beads - Sizing beads are a more permanent addition you can make to your ring with the help of a trained professional. These small beads are soldered to the inside of the ring, effectively reducing the interior diameter of the ring and creating a tighter fit.
  • Ring Guard - A ring guard is similar to an adjuster, but instead of a temporary fitting, a ring guard is a metal band that is attached to the inside of the ring. This has the same effect as a ring adjuster, making the interior diameter of the ring smaller.
  • Resizing - Finally, if none of the options above work for you, you can always have your ring resized by a professional. Making a ring smaller is generally inexpensive, as the jeweler will need to remove part of the band, so you won’t have to pay for additional band materials.

How To Make A Ring Fit Bigger

Making a ring “bigger” is a much harder task than making it smaller. Nonetheless, you still have a few options to make a ring that’s too small fit a bit more comfortably:

  • Wait For Cooler Weather - Many ring owners panic when they find that their favorite ring is suddenly too tight. They might make drastic changes that are difficult and expensive to undo. Rather than running straight to your jeweler, consider the environment and temperature around you. If the weather is warmer, your fingers will likely swell, so rather than paying to make adjustments to your ring, you can simply wait until temperatures cool down a bit to see if your ring fits more comfortably again.
  • Adjustable Shank - Though less common than standard ring adjusters and beads, an adjustable shank is a spring-like mechanism that a jeweler can install on a ring to allow it to open and close. This is one of the best options when you need a bigger ring or if your ring size fluctuates frequently.
  • Resizing - Lastly, you can always get a jeweler to resize your ring so that it has a larger interior diameter. However, keep in mind that sizing a ring up will be more expensive than sizing it down, as the jeweler will need to add more material to the band of the ring.

As you can see, there are many different ways to change your ring size and find the right fit. But if you’re unsatisfied with your current ring, you can always sell it and even look for a preowned replacement on Have You See The Ring!

We hope you enjoyed our guide on how an engagement ring should fit! Are you currently trying to buy or sell a used engagement ring? If so, be sure to contact HYSTR today!

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